Cesur Danny Flint amcası tarafından düzenli olarak tecavüze uğrayan küçük bir çocuktu. Bu duruma daha fazla dayanamayan Danny amcasını öldürdü. Ardından erkek kılığına girip gece nöbetine gitti. Orda cinsiyeti fark edilince gece nöbetçileri tarafından tecavüze uğradı ve öldürüldü. Hakkında şarkılar yazıldı.
Hear you now the sad lament
Of Brave Young Danny Flint
Whose parents died of sickness
When she was not but ten.
So off Young Danny went to live
With her wicked uncle
Who one night stole her maidenhead
So into the North she fled.
Oh Danny Flint you'll never escape
The Fate the Gods have written
And life must seem the cruelest jape
Oh Brave Young Danny Flint.
North she fled to take the Black
And leave her troubles past
She cut her hair and changed her name
To Danny Flint the Brave.
At the NightFort Danny took the oath
Thought a boy by all
And she hoped to live forever
As a Brother upon the Wall.
Oh Danny Flint you'll never escape
The Fate the Gods have written
And life must seem the cruelest jape
Oh Brave Young Danny Flint.
Now Danny was so diligent
To keep from watchful stares
But one night as she bathed
Her Brothers saw her body bare.
These men were quick to break their vows
As they threw her to the ground
They took her honor then her life
While Danny made not a sound.
Oh Danny Flint there's no escape
The Fate the Gods have written
And life does seem the cruelest jape
Oh Brave Young Danny Flint.
It is said Young Danny still yet walks
The NightFort's shadowy halls
A pale form singing sorrowfully
The loneliest, saddest song.
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